Bokhara Trumpeter Pigeon | Breed Profile
Breed Name Bokhara Trumpeter
Other Name None
Breed Purpose Exhibition, ornamental, voice, pets
Special Notes Beautiful birds, attractive appearance, good for raising as pets, very good for exhibition purpose, gentle, some birds can be lazy, don’t fly or breed well, sweet personality, usually calm around people and other pets, good for ornamental purpose
Breed Class Small to medium
Weight Around 370 grams
Climate Tolerance All climates
Flying Ability Poor
As Pets Good
Color Black, blue checkered or barred, white, red and yellow
Rarity Common
Country/Place of Origin Unknown



Bokhara Trumpeter Pigeon
The Bokhara Trumpeter pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon which is known for its long-feathered feet and double crest. It was developed over many years of selective breeding. This breed and other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the feral or wild rock pigeon.
Currently it is one of the most popular breeds of Trumpeter in the United States. Actually, the trumpeting pigeon breeds are named so mainly because of their unique vocalizations which sound vaguely like low laughter. It is known as ‘Drummer ‘in Germany. Currently the Bokhara Trumpeter pigeon is raised mainly for their voice and also for ornamental purposes. And today, a few breeders are working to develop and improve the voice of these birds.

Bokhara Trumpeter Pigeon Appearance
The Bokhara Trumpeter pigeon is a very beautiful bird with very attractive appearance. It is most noticeably characterized by its lengthy full feathers on the feet and double crest which completely obscures the bird’s eyes and gives it a look reminiscent of the Old English Sheepdog. The crest is known as the ‘rose’ and the bird itself is often called the rose of the pigeon fancy. It is a medium sized bird which has a short neck complimenting its long body. The head is of average length and the beak is also of medium sized. The beak is not very exposed, and it is same in color as the feathering. Neck of the Bokhara Trumpeter pigeon is short, broad and slightly arched. Wings of these birds are wide, strong, thick and long. The tips of the wings end at the tail, and the tail is long and slightly spread at the end. Both wings and the tail add to the length and beauty of this bird. The legs feature long muffs or “boots,” a sweep of long feathers, sometimes more than 10 inches long, that trail on the ground.
Common color of these birds are black, blue checkered or barred, white, red and yellow. Average live body weight of the mature Bokhara Trumpeter pigeon is around 370 grams.

Bokhara Trumpeter pigeon was originally bred for its voice. But now raised for show and ornamental purpose.

Special Notes
The Bokhara Trumpeter pigeon is a gentle bird, with some birds may also be lazy. These birds usually don’t fly or breed well. They are mainly appreciated for their endearing appearance and sweet personality. They are usually calm around people and other pets. They were originally developed for their voice. But today they are also raised for exhibition and ornamental purposes. Their average lifespan is between 5 and 7 years.