Saxon Shield Pigeon
The Saxon Shield pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from Germany. As the name suggests, the breed was originated from Saxony and also Thuringia, Germany. The breed along with all other breeds of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the rock pigeon. The breed is mainly raised and highly common in Germany. Read some more information about the breed below.
Saxon Shield Pigeon Appearance
Saxon Shield pigeon is a medium sized breed with oblong and curved head. They are similar to the field pigeon in shape, but with strong body and low station. They can be plain headed, shell crested or double crested, and the forehead is reasonably high. Eyes of the Saxon Shield pigeon are dark, and the ceres are narrow and even colored. Their beak is of flesh colored and medium to long in size.
They have medium long neck which is full at the body, and the throat is well rounded out. They have long back with broad shoulders. Their wings are long and well closed, and the wings cover the entire back. And their tail is long and well closed. The tail seems to be almost horizontal. Their chest is broad and well curved, and it appears to be projecting outwards.
Legs of the Saxon Shield pigeon are low positioned with muff feathers. The muff feathers are long and well curved. The bird actually comes in many colors including blue, black, red and yellow with white bars or spangles, blue with black bars or barless, blue check or silver check. Average mature body weight of the Saxon Shield pigeon is about 380 to 400 grams.
Saxon Shield pigeon is raised for exhibition and ornamental purposes.
Special Notes
The Saxon Shield pigeon is like the usual field pigeon, but it is pretty stronger. It is very beautiful and most often raised mainly for its beauty. The breed is mainly raised as a show breed, but it is also raised for ornamental purpose. These birds are of very good behaviour and relatively calm in temperament. They are also very good for raising as pets.