The African Grey Parrot is the most intelligent species of parrot known. It is not just one of the top talking birds, but because of its intelligence is referred to as Einstein of the Bird World.
Though parrots are generally famous for being chatty, Puck, a cheery blue parakeet, landed in the 1995 Guinness Book of World Records for his vocabulary skills, with a recognized set of 1,728 words.
Parrots Taste With the Tops of Their Beaks – Though parrots do have some taste glands at the backs of their throats, most of their 300 or so taste buds are located on the roofs of their mouths.
Pigeons are incredibly complex and intelligent birds. They are one of only a small number of species to pass the mirror-test – a test of self recognition.
Pigeons can recognise each letter of human alphabet, differentiate between photographs, and even distinguish humans within a photograph